In October 2021 both Little Big Adventure 1 and 2 engines source code were released under the GPL. In October 2011 Little Big Adventure 2 was re-released digitally on GOG.com and in October 2015 on Steam. The game features three-dimensional environments and full-motion video, and all of its music is in CD-DA quality. LBA 2 was also the third game created under the label of Adeline Software International. The game is a sequel to Little Big Adventure (also known as Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure). LBA 2 sold over 300,000 copies worldwide. In July 1997, both Electronic Arts and Virgin Interactive Software re-released LBA 2 - Virgin Interactive Software doing so under the name of " Twinsen's Odyssey".

It was later re-released by Activision in June 1997 in North America under the name Twinsen's Odyssey. Little Big Adventure 2 is a 1997 adventure game developed by Adeline Software International and published by Electronic Arts.